3 Favorite Hymns Harmonized (Sheet Music) - Music for Organ
Get your instantly downloadable copy of this Reharmonization-Collection here. It consists of 3 well known Hymns with 3 reharmonizations each, all including a Solo-Verse. Furthermore there are short Introductions to each Hymn. (12 pages in total)
You will be forwarded to the score collection after checkout and will also receive an email with the invoice and another download link connected to the score.
This collection contains the following Hymns:
1. Intro and Harm. on 'Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten'
2. Intro and Harm. on 'Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word'
3. Intro and Harm. on 'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty'
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Our Collections are designed to be sight-readable and playable without much preparation - while still maintaining a high quality.
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We're offering dedicated collections for every season of the year. Browse our catalogue to find perfect fits for Christmas, Lent & Easter!
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If you wish we are happy to leave a nice note or dedication in your book. Paul is going through all the orders himself and is happy to sign your copy!